Saturday, September 17, 2016

Terms of Enlistment - reading

Finished "Terms of Enlistment" by Marko Kloos. I read about Marko on John Scalzi's site. The series described in Whatever had an interesting premise, and I added it to my to-read list, then recently picked it up.

The book was a quick read, and enjoyable, and was the right book at the right time. I was looking for something quick. While it does seem to share similarities with many other books of the genre, it was still pretty fun. The second book in the series is sitting on my nightstand, waiting for me to finish the book I had already started.

One thing stood out for me, though. It was how much I thought Marko's writing style resembled my own. Obviously, having several books published, he's well ahead of me in terms of professional authorship, and I don't claim my books are ready for publication, being basically a collection of first drafts. But it was encouraging for me to think of my writing as "not bad," and to think that I could some day be published as well, and that folks might actually enjoy what I write.