Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Whisper Under Ice - reading

Finished "A Whisper Under Ice" by me. This was my NaNoWriMo novel from last year. I had forgotten enough about the events of the story to make it interesting to myself. Thanks, past me, for writing this one!

I recently joined a writing critique group and read the first chapter of this at that group. The feedback was good. I have a lot of cleaning up to do, and can afford to now that I'm not trying to get 1,667 new words every day. I'm not sure this one will hold up all the way through the writing of a second draft, but I would like to see how far I can get. Almost 10 weeks until NaNoWriMo 2019!

(Redacted) - reading

Finished (insert oddly specific title here) by (insert author of oddly specific title here). This book was helpful to me for what's happening in life right now, but to give the title is to give away more than I'm comfortable with. Suffice it to say it was helpful to me, and I will likely read through it again soon.