Of course, "winner" for NaNoWriMo simply means that I was able to put 50,000 or more words down into a story. It's not like I was being judged or anything. Chris, who pointed me to the NaNo site, also won this year. /applause
I tried to get several people interested - people that I know enjoy writing. My daughter Cady is listed as having 533 words before she got distracted with other bright, shiny objects. My daughter Erika shows 9,568 words before working on other stories and getting frustrated with the slowness of the NaNo site. Shelly (mom of my two younger kids) got to 2,980 words. Last I heard, she was playing World of Warcraft. /poke
During the process, I got a call from Doug Denning (Croaker), who saw my name on the message board. He reached 25,848 words. According to the NaNo site stats for him, he took about 20 days off, so he did that in about 10 days of actual writing. That means he matched my pace (2,500 words a day or so) on the days he wrote. I finished writing on 11/22, before we left for Texas.

The other three on my writing buddies list were DorkmanScott (of Ryan vs. Dorkman fame), who according to his blog, his blog being the reason I put this blog together, wrote more than he updated the NaNo site, and marikurisato and willwrite4chocolate, who are local Denver people I added because they had word counts ahead of mine, and I wanted to use their progress to help motivate me. It amuses me that just after I did that, I didn't see their word counts move again until after I finished.
Ah, well, thank goodness it's over. I think there might be a party somewhere to celebrate. I should go.
1 comment:
Yaaaayyyy Congrats, Brett!
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