Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Want to write again

Since the end of NaNo, almost six months ago, I haven't really written anything, and I'm starting to get the feeling that I would like to write again. The trouble is how much school is interfering with my ability to do anything but schoolwork. That ends at the end of June, so I just need to hold out until then.

On the other hand, once the 2009 NaNoWriMo rolls around, I have no idea what I will be writing about. I have lots of different ideas, but nothing that I think would make a good novel-length story. I don't want to do a sequel of my '08 NaNo novel, even though it's probably open to one. The other stories I have in my head (or in my notes folder) don't seem to quite have the potential to flesh out enough.

In the meantime, I should probably get back into the habit of writing a little something every day, maybe a few hundred words. There's something called flash fiction that fits this pretty well, but it's a different style than the wordcount explosion that is NaNo. But it's better than nothing, right?

Now watch - now that I've said this, I won't write again until November 1.

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