Thursday, May 6, 2010

With a Tangled Skein - reading

Finished "With a Tangled Skein" by Piers Anthony. The third book in the series restores my opinion of the series as a whole. Very well written. Maybe a little misogynistic, but for good reason.

After the story is an author's note in which he mentioned the impact of "fate" on his life and on the writing of the novel.

When I got to work today, I parked my truck in the remote parking lot. The shuttle driver was there and watched me park. Rather than wait for me to get out of the truck, he looked at me as he pulled away, so I walked. While I was walking, I had the inspiration for a scene in one of the stories I have had on the back burner for a couple years, and got the inspiration to work on that story again. I opened the file that contains the notes for that story and printed them out. I have made a few comments on it today, and started to come up with storyboard Post-Its that I will use to organize the story into some semblance of cohesion so that the writing part can begin in earnest. I'm not sure, but I think had I caught the shuttle this morning, I would not have thought of that scene and would not have pursued working on that story today.

I'm not deluding myself. I know that I have some energy I want to put into the story right now. I just don't know how far it's going to carry me since I have several other things competing for my attention right now. Wish me luck!

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