Thursday, October 21, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 - No Story Yet!

NaNoWriMo 2010 begins in about 12 days. So far, I don't have a story to work on. This was not my experience for the past two years. Last year, I had a story idea that I really liked in June and over four months to let it develop in my head before beginning writing in November. This year, I have no real strong direction.

I know what I don't want to do. I don't want to repeat themes from the past two years. For example, both were set in the modern day. That makes me want to do some sort of fantasy setting. Both had teen protagonists - one about 18 and the other about 16. Both had mystical or supernatural elements central to the story. Heck, I've even toyed with the idea of having the main characters from those two stories meet up with each other for some third story. That's how "compatible" the stories were.

The story that I'm coming up with to work on for 2010 feels very forced so far, and doesn't have a lot of direction. Furthermore, it's going to require quite a bit of world-building before I can really get into the writing part. This does not bode well for keeping my word counts up.

On the bright side, I do get some time off in November that should help me stay on track with my word counts. At least, I hope it helps!

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