Monday, August 29, 2011

48HFP practice session - August 2011

I don't remember exactly when I wrote this, as it has taken me a while to get back to typing it up. It's probably the worst practice session I've done.

Man watching TV (Occupation); Robin Scherbatsky (Character name); The fountain will test you (Quote); Musical or Western (Genre)

Open on an old man watching TV. He's saying, "You know me as Robin Scherbatsky, but back then I was Robin Banks."

"Very funnny, grampa."

"There was this one time..." /dreamfade

Man riding a horse, galloping across rough western landscape

VO (woman) "The fountain will test you"
CU rider
Rider (shouted)
"What does it mean?"
Riding at a gallop
VO (woman) "...will test you." (fading echoes)
Riding (gallop)
Rider (shouted)

VO (woman) "Ride to the edge of the plains; ride until you can't go on and then ride a mile further. The fountain will test you."
Riding, looks exhausted in the saddle. Horse is walking slowly now. Man falls off the saddle. Horse walks away.
Show sun at high noon, beating down. Man lifts his head groggily, looks ahead.
Show landscape shot - mountains without clouds. Show one single cloud rising up in a billow (maybe use factory steam rising if needed)
MCU man (hoarse, dusty voice)
"The fountain"
He picks himself up and walks on, still exhausted, but almost there.
Cut back to the old man and his grandson in a room talking.
"Grampa, this is boring."
"What happened next is really interesting."

...and that's as far as I got. I remember hitting a wall at this point, trying to make it interesting and failing miserably. There's no plot! Nothing of interest! I was too hung up by the "fountain will test you" line to get anywhere. Ah, well.

1 comment:

Chance said...


It is Chance from "Randomluck". I would like you to contact me at about your comment posted on my blog. Pearson Publishing is one of the companies I'm looking at and felt you might know someone I could chat with there at Pearson. I can't remember your email and it isn't posted on your profile. sooner the better please.
