Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ice - reading

Finished "Ice" by Linda Howard. First of all, if you name a character Darwin, I am expecting he will be the first to die. Second, if Darwin is coupled with Nikki, I'm thinking you're a Prince fan (Darling Nikki). There was a lot of repetition of phrases, and a lot of times when the phrasing didn't make sense - enough that it was distracting. There were times when I thought the author didn't do her research. The distance between the climax of the story and the end was much too long for such a short book. It wasn't all bad, though. On the good side, she wrote from the perspective of different characters and it influenced how she wrote each one. I thought the change in style from each character was well done. I could have done without the overlap in story when perspective changed, where the same section of story was told from both sides. The premise was good, and there were some good (though brief) tense moments. I didn't expect the sex scene, but I am not familiar with Linda Howard's other work. Maybe there's more of that in her other books. I was torn between rating this 3/5 ("I liked it") or 2/5 ("It was ok"). I must be feeling nice.

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