Monday, June 1, 2015

Following the First Star - reading - again

Finished "Following the First Star" by me. This is becoming my most read book, often for reasons other than just reading the book. I re-read it when I got the printed copy. I re-read it when I wrote "A Sky of Stars." I re-read it when I wrote "A Sky of Stone." I re-read it this time because I'm thinking seriously about revising it again.

Show, don't tell. That's the biggest downfall of this book. I'm telling you too much and showing you too little. If I were to reverse that trend, the book would be significantly more enjoyable, and possibly a bit longer as well. As it is, though, it is a quick read.

Point of view is probably the second biggest thing to fix. There are places where I the reader am not sure what's happening because I the writer changed perspective.

There are a handful of missed/misspelled/weasel words, too, but that's a minor problem.

Lots of words. Lots of revisions. I'm feeling a bit daunted.

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