Saturday, August 25, 2012

GoodReads 100

My last post prompted me to take a look at the books I have rated so far on goodreads. I am coincidentally at 100 books there and wondered how my ratings of books stack up against the rest of the goodreads community.

If you take the average rating and compare it to mine, I'm pretty much in line. Overall, goodreads average on these 100 books is 3.8 stars, and my average is 3.4 stars, making me a little pickier overall.

There were six books that I gave a one-star rating to (The Wailing Wind, Falling Awake, Treasure Hunt, Bloodroot, You Lost Me There and One Perfect Word). The average rating of these six on goodreads is 3.6 stars, so it's probably just me.

On the other end of the scale, there were 16 books I gave five stars to (No Ordinary Joes, The Good Soldiers, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Redwall, The Terror, War Dances, The Last King of Scotland, How I Paid for College, Interred with Their Bones, Hyperion, Snow Crash, Neuromancer, Dune and three from the Incarnations of Immortality series: #1 On a Pale Horse, #3 With a Tangled Skein and #6 For Love of Evil). Goodreads average on these is 3.9 stars, so I'm above that by 1.1 stars.

The highest rated of these 100 books according to goodreads is 4.49 stars, going to The Hunger Games, which I rated 2 stars.

Long story short (no pun intended), my taste in books is probably different than yours. :-)

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