Tuesday, November 5, 2013

NaNoWriMo 2013 days 1-4

I got a slow start this year, and it hasn't picked up any. Today is day five and while I haven't started writing for the day yet, I'm sitting at 4,744 words so far when I should be at 6,666 minimum, and 8,333 by the end of the day. I'm still working on chapter one and am feeling uninspired thus far by the writing. I'm not uninspired by the story outline - there's some cool stuff to come, and my sounding board friend has been really helpful.

I'm reintroducing some characters from the first book - characters that didn't end up doing much of anything. For example, the First Commander's daughter who appeared in chapter one of Following the First Star and was then (spoiler alert - ha!) irrelevant is back for chapter one of this book.

I should have plenty of time to write tonight. I'm hoping to get back on track. I know I can do it - I've had plenty of days writing thousands of words, and I only need 3,589 to catch up. But so far I haven't been following the NaNoWriMo mantra of just getting words down. I've been too careful. I've been editing in place. I've been revising bits and pieces here and there. I won't keep the pace if I keep this up.

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