Thursday, April 16, 2015

Screenwriting for Dummies - reading

Finished "Screenwriting for Dummies" by Laura Schellhardt. I went into this looking for a book that would explain the various formats used in scripts, but like many of the "for Dummies" series books, it offered so much more detail on screenwriting, constructing a story, writing dialogue, creating characters, and everything you would need to, well, write a screenplay.

In other words, it was far more than I was looking for.

As a result, I ended up skimming a couple of the later chapters, impatient to get through the book. But that's really how these books are designed - look for what you want to get out of them, and get that. It was pretty good for that, though some of the information in my version was a bit dated according to people I've talked with about screenwriting since. Then again, the edition I was reading was a little old, too. Perhaps they've updated it to keep up with changes in the industry since. One can only hope.

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