Friday, January 8, 2021

Feeling Better: CBT Workbook for Teens - reading

Finished "Feeling Better: CBT Workbook for Teens - essential skills and activities to help you manage moods, boost self-esteem, and conquer anxiety" by Rachel L. Hutt, PhD. That's quite the title! My wife and I worked through this book together (we each had our own copy). Though it's targeted at teens, with just a little tweaking, it's appropriate really for any age. Some of the exercises were really good. Some were so-so, but easy to skip over things that weren't applicable. One thing my wife and I did was at the end of a section, wrote down what resonated for us the most. 

I think the section I found most valuable was around common thinking errors, and ways of dealing with them. I notice myself doing these now more than ever, and finding ways to make it better.

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