Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Reading 2009 #2

The last book I blogged about was Dirty Play. I think that was before NaNoWriMo.

After that, I finished Hyperion by Dan Simmons on about December 15. In a word: Epic. I liked it a lot. I would like to find out what happens after the events of the book. It seems like the author spent a lot of time telling the reader about who the characters are. The question becomes: Then what happens? I want to know.

After Hyperion, I went for something a little shorter: Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris. This is the story of Hannibal Lechter and how he became who he was in the Silence of the Lambs. It was well researched and the story was complete and entertaining. It had its moments, but it wasn't overtly gory or hard to get through.

1 comment:

Brett said...

Book title was actually Play Dirty.