Monday, November 17, 2008

Post 22

Their kissing soon turned to petting, though they occasionally had to stop or reposition because one would put a hand on the other’s bruise, cut or scrape. It didn’t slow them down too much, though, and before he knew it, Peter’s left hand was under Laura’s shirt, delicately tracing the edge of her bra, wondering if he had the nerve to move it out of the way. He surprised himself with his boldness when he pulled the bra down and cupped her breast, skin on skin. She moaned softly as she returned his passionate kisses. Peter adjusted how he was sitting so that he was facing her more directly, and placed his right hand on her left breast. He wasn’t sure if he was being more bold now because of the vision he had, in which he, as Gerald, was having sex with Leanne. He suspected that may be the case. It also made him a little self conscious knowing that somewhere inside of him was some essence of Leanne. Was she watching him? Could she?

Laura reached down for the button on Peter’s pants and just got it undone when out of the blue, Knickers started barking frantically, making them both jump out of their skin. Peter’s hands were back on the outside of her shirt in a heartbeat and he stood up. He felt his pants slide down a little and reached to button them up again while Laura stood up to see what Knickers was barking at. They heard a car door slam. Peter’s adrenaline rose. Was Gerald coming after them? He didn’t realize until that moment how on edge he was since Gerald made a clean getaway.

Laura went into the house to see who was there. Peter followed. She looked out the front window and didn’t see anyone at first. Then she looked to her right and saw her father’s car. “It’s my dad. He has the car backed up to the garage.”

“Is he coming in?” asked Peter, his mind still reeling between being flooded with adrenaline borne out of fear and hormones from their petting. He got right behind Laura ostensibly to look out the window. He saw that Alan was still in the car, and likely couldn’t see in the window where they were standing. He wrapped his arms around her, one hand on her breast, the other on her stomach, and ground his erection against her backside. Laura pushed back against him and sighed lustily.

The sound of the garage door opening brought them back again. Alan got out of the car and was unloading something into the garage as they broke the embrace. Laura walked out the front door to see if her father needed any help. Peter followed along after adjusting himself when nobody was looking. They helped him with the bags of dog food that remained, replenishing the bin in the garage. With the smell of the dog food filling the air of the garage, Peter was glad that his family didn’t have a dog.

Alan invited Peter to stay for dinner. How could he decline when that meant he got to spend more time with Laura? He stood outside the garage and called his mother to let her know.

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