Saturday, November 1, 2008

What I am about to post

I don't know what to title the posts I make that contain the story itself. They're not really chapters. They're more like pieces of chapters. So as a compromise, I'll post them as "post 1", "post 2", and so on, with a tag of "story". Things might move around later.

I will probably revise them later, but under the NaNo philosophy of "just get the story out," I will try my best to not revise them until next month. I was definitely not adhering to that philosophy at the start of today's session (which actually is contained in post 2), but that's why I was hovering around 700 words for a long while. When I decided to just write, I shot ahead and hit 4,542 words in fairly short order. I can't say that what I wrote is good, but at least it's written. :-)

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