Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 1

While I spent most of the morning working on the "snowflake" of the story I'm writing -- I really should have done more prep work -- and while my actual word count at 1 PM today was still 0 despite having worked on elements of the story all morning, I made up ground this afternoon. I took a two-hour break to feed the horse, but wrote both before and after, ending up with 5,122 words at the end of the first day. Given that the pace I need to keep is 1,667 words per day, this is an excellent start. What's more, I like what I wrote (mostly), and think that it is on track with regard to the quick outline I put together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I had done a snowflake, but at least I have an outline. Kudos on your word count! That's excellent... looks like you just churned stuff out. :)