Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 30

Today was the last day! According to the offical word counter on the NaNoWriMo.org web site, I have 63,750 words.

Though Open Office places the count a little higher than 64,000, I will go with the official number. I added around 4,000 words today and closed out the storyline. As usual, I don't like the level of detail in the last part, but it at least makes sense in light of the rest of the story to change gears like I did at the point where I did. Either that or I am just rationalizing my sprint across the finish line. Either way, it's done!

Here's my word count graph, showing that I was a total slacker around Thanksgiving (but you already knew that):

I'm going to do something else now... :-)

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