Sunday, November 7, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 days 6 and 7

The summary for day six is easy: I didn't write at all.

Day seven was plotting against me for the longest time. I worked in the morning from 8 until 11:30 (volunteering at the horse rescue), went to lunch with my girlfriend (Thai Kitchen FTW!), and when we got home, I was focused more on giving her feedback on her paper for school than on anything else, really. After that, I left to feed our horse and run to the store quickly -- a three hour jaunt. By the time I got home, I was hungry. Reheating leftover lasagna (my first homemade lasagna = NOM!) took only about fifteen minutes, after which I settled in with Pandora playing my "Orbital/Halcyon + on + on" techno station and started writing. This was about 7:15 PM. It is now 11 PM and I got 4,299 words today, including a little editing of the beginning of chapter seven. That's 19.1 words per minute, which seems about right for me. My total word count is now 20,428.

As to the story itself, I finally got to the part I wanted to write about! It's been fun coming up with what happens here. It's not too much to say that there's a little comedy relief going on. It was needed after the (in-story) funeral.

It gets tougher from here. Vacation is over, and I go back to work tomorrow.

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