Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 days 15 and 16

The summary for day 15 is easy: I didn't write. That's not exactly good for such a milestone day as the half-way point.

Today - day 16 - was a much better day. At lunch I challenged another WriMo to a word war of sorts. It was pretty close. I think I had more words by about 100. She then took a break later in the day and added to her word count (Go! Go! Go!) and we chatted about where she thought she would be at the end of the day. She set her goal and I matched it, proposing that I add as many words as she would.

I started at 37,206. 38,873 would be par (+1,667); 39,420 would match her goal (+2,214); 39,687 would match my average words per day so far (+2,481); 40,000 would be a nice, even number (+2,794)

I reached 40,300 words. Not bad! I added 3,094 words today. I rewarded myself with some chocolate. :-) (I'm actually kindof surprised I didn't cheat and just eat the chocolate. It's almost like I had some willpower!)

As to the story itself, I closed out chapter two (of Part II), added chapter three and began chapter four. The players in these chapters were the bad guy, the good guys and the new girl, along with a bunch of smaller roles.

There's a bit of fighting going on in the story now, and the new character I added interposed herself squarely between the good guys and the bad guys. She almost got herself squished, too. She fought the good guys in one chapter, and fought the bad guy in another chapter. In the first two chapters I worked on today, the stakes ratcheted up and the wins and losses became a little more evident. The chapter I'm currently working on is more of a regrouping effort on all sides - both in terms of licking their wounds and evaluating their winnings - preparing for a larger confrontation coming up.

Writing momentum has come and gone. As the characters come together, the scenes write themselves a little better. It's the push to get them together that I find a little harder to come up with without sounding completely contrived.

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