Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 10

It was a long day. I went in to work today. We had a team lunch. I left close to 5:00 and drove through pretty heavy traffic to the ranch where it took me a while to walk out and get the horse in the dark. After feeding and grooming her, I drove home where the IFGS Society Board meeting was somewhat in progress. ("Somewhat" means they were actually waiting for a fourth member to give them a quorum.) I grabbed food and attended the meeting. After it was done, I talked with my girlfriend for a bit and THEN got to writing.

Now it's nearly 11:30 PM, and I added 2,314 net words today, for a new total of 28,741 words. I say "net" because I did go back and do a little editing. Not too much. There was just something nagging at me, and I had to tweak it to something I could live with.

My main characters were dealt their greatest blow, and they are forever changed. The antagonist has recruited an old ally, and the danger just ratcheted up for the good guys. At this point, though, the heroes are still weak and reeling. If confronted now, they might just choose death.

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