Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 2

Today's word count ended up being 5,711, meaning only 589 new words today. It's an anemic number, I know, but instead of writing, I got to play a game with my girlfriend - something we haven't done in a long time. I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I am hoping to make up some ground today.

As to the story itself, it takes place in a fantasy world of my own devising where there is only a little magic, and it's not well known in two respects: not many people can use it, and not many people can even identify it as magic. So far, I've introduced a bit of the military heirarchy and several of the key players within that heirarchy. I've revealed that there is an upcoming invasion, and that the city of Corburn*, where the story thus far has taken place, is the one doing the invading. Raykeep* is their target.

I also finally introduced the main characters, Kada and Ismo, in chapter three. I had just finished chapter four when I realized that I left out a few details about them that I wanted to make sure were there, so tomorrow I am going back and adding those details in. It's almost like editing, which is a NaNoWriMo sin, but I feel it's absolutely necessary to the story.

After that, I hope to push forward through the other two chapters I have vaguely outlined. Wish me luck!

I should add the other frustration of my day: When I went to update my word count on the nanowrimo.org web site, it was "down for maintenence." This has been a big frustration this year. I rather enjoy pushing my word count up every day and seeing it on that site makes it more tangible to me somehow.

* Note: All names should be considered malleable.

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