Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 23

Today went by much faster than I wanted it to. It started by me sleeping in until about 10:00, which was unusual enough. After that, we started to plan out the menu for Thanksgiving, and then went shopping at four different stores for the stuff we needed to cook. I didn't get to writing until after 10 PM at least.

I was able to sneak 1,467 new words in today before midnight (word count 51,053), and kept writing after midnight adding another couple hundred words after midnight. I have a bit of direction on the story in Book III, but it's not exactly "flowing" right now. I feel like I'm trying to push-start a car whose battery had gone dead. It's giving me signs that it wants to return to life, but hasn't started and run on its own just yet. I need to keep pushing until that spark catches.

In my favor, I passed 50,000 words and got my green bar. To my detriment, I should really have reached this milestone days ago, and from here, I have a long way to go before the story will be finished. I hope I don't have to do what I did last year, which was to essentially go into outline mode at the end of the story just to make it complete for fear of running out of time. I'm not sure that will be possible.

And I still don't know how this is actually going to end. I mean, it could follow my outline, or it could surprise me. We'll see....

As to what has happened in the story developing? Really, nothing. I hate to say it, but the bad guy is right back where he was at the end of Book II and is no longer in charge. After this? Well... it will hopefully lead somewhere. It has to, right?

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