Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 day 4

I admit: I goofed off today.

I also admit: I edited today.

In a way, I stayed away from writing intentionally. I felt like I was being impatient with my story and needed to just take a bit of time to breathe, think about where I was with the story and where it was going. Then, later in the evening, after spending time driving down to take care of the horse (and thinking about the story), I patched up the part where I thought I was being really impatient. Now it feels more like a story I would want to read rather than just the rushed recap of such a story.

The bottom line: It's a better story, but I only gained 373 words today. I'll still take it! I'm currently sitting at 12,377 words.

On the bright side, the site is reporting that they fixed some problem they were having with their database, and the site is actually responding now. I hope it stays that way (again).

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